Thursday, March 31, 2011

MDA Jail, MLB Predictions, and a warning on e-lationships

Today, my daughter and I spent time in MDA jail as part of their fund drive to raise money.  We were blessed to have friends and family who are so generous and helped us raise over $600 for the cause.  Despite the jail time, we are doing well and happy to be free again.

MLB season is starting, so here are my predictions:  AL East: Red Sox  AL Central: Tigers AL West: Mariners AL Wild Card: Yankees  ALCS: Red Sox over Yankees  NL East: Philly NL Central: Reds NL West: San Fran NL Wild Card: St Louis  NLCS: Philly over Cincy  Wolrd Series: Philly over Red Sox.  Just a prediction, bound to be ridiculously wrong.

I saw a long time friend in person the other day.  She and I are "facebook friends" but have not seen each other in person in a long while.  From her facebook posts, I had thought she was not doing well and very grumpy in general.  However, in person she was happy and doing well.  Just goes to show you that there is so much lost in e-lationships.  So let me encourage you all to stay in touch.  Call or visit with your friends.  Don't let your entire relationship be "e".

Friday, March 25, 2011

Some random thoughts - Bonds and others

I am trying to follow the Barry Bonds trial (thank you unnamed tweeter) and I am finding myself increasingly sick over this.  The government really could have avoided this sham and saved us all a ton of money.  Let's say they prove Bonds knew he was using.  Let's say the jury actually has 12 impartial people.  Let's say they find him guilty.  Do we (the people) win?   Nope.  Bonds might go to jail but meanwhile the people are paying for the trial and then for Bonds jail time.  Why not let him plead no lo contendre (spelling) and pay a fine and be done with it.  Bonds can say he paid the fine to avoid trial.  The government can claim it means they made him pay for lying.  We can all be done with this sham and waste of money.

Please understand that the previous paragraph is ASSUMING they find him guilty.  If they do not, then the government will have wasted all sorts of money and resources over nothing.  For those not paying attention, it seems the government gave a deal to Mr Haskins that allows him to avoid jail to take the stand and make all sorts of accusations.  He without question made multiple tapes to try and blackmail Bonds.  Those tapes are now put into evidence against Bonds.  Humorous that somehow we allow illegally taped conversations that were made specifically to commit an illegal act to be the main evidence about someone else.  So our government believes that saying you didnt know you were taking steroids is worse than embezzling, forgery, blackmail, and purgery (sp)... yes, purgery, (sp).  Haskins lied many times and was caught but he will get away with it because he lied to help the feds.... kinda ironic, huh?  And we wonder why Bonds has said multiple times that he doesn't trust the government.

Bonds has never been a sympathetic character (thank you media) and the Feds are hoping that our distaste for the HR king will allow us to overlook that they were ok putting a guy on the stand who lied to try and help them put someone else away for lying.  Again folks, Bonds may have lied or he may have really blindly trusted his trainer and SHOULD have asked more questions.  I dont know and nor do I care.  Fine him and be done.

MORE THOUGHTS on other things:

Despite being embarrassed, I want to commend the Montreal Canadians.  They took a few cheap shots in their loss to the Bruins but in the end when they were completely and thoroughly beaten, they didnt just go out and throw around fists out of anger.  The NHL needs to address a few cheap shots but in the end we didnt see a donnybrook like I expected, so cheers for the losers for not embarrassing the league.

Folks, the NCAA tourney is awesome theater.  However, when will they learn to give mid majors a shot.  Missouri St dominated their conference and lost the conference tourney final in a great game and were eliminated from contention to allow teams with 10-14 loses to have an 11th-15th shot at it all.  The best tourney stories are always the mid majors.  GIVE THEM A SHOT!!!  I dont ever want to see the 9th or worst team in any conference in the tourney again.  SERIOUSLY!  I'd rather see Harvard, VCU, Richmond, Butler..... than people who arent in their own conferences top 8!

No matter how old I get and how much I despise WWE, I still turn it on every once in a while.  I grew up with it and while the sex and storylines are over the top, it still brings me back to the times in my youth when I enjoyed seeing the "Superfly" (even with a rowdy coconut to the noggin), the evil Russian (singing their anthem) vs Sgt Slaughter, or Roddy Piper putting up a poster of William Perry in the Boston Garden after the Super Bowl.  I now know a ton of that athleticism was drug (steroid) induced yet it doesn't tarnish the memories.  Wonder if I will think the same thing about Bonds, McGwire, and Sosa (you can bet it wont tarnish those memories either).

The NFL and NFLPA are very close to losing a fan.  I know they don't care but I am so disgusted at thsi point that it is getting close to the point where even if they don't miss games, I won't come back for a while and when I do, it wont be the same.  (See NHL)

Some of my favorite people to follow on twitter are: ScottMatusow (Mike's brother), RealKidPoker (Negs), RickWarren (Saddleback Church Pastor), GlobeChadFinn (funny and Boston related), TexDolly (mostly for the blonde jokes I cant admit to my wife that I find funny), nickmangold (will root for his team to lose by 10000000000 every time, but I like his tweets), MikeandMike, KaraOTR (Kara Scott), AdamSchefter (please start tweeting more on UFL!!), markfwespn (for the Bonds trial so far)......  I also enjoy the poker brat, the hit woman, and others, but these are my faves for now.  You can follow me and the 10 tweets a year that arent in my blog at #FramCire 

Time to run and clean the house.  Feel free to comment here or on twitter or facebook!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Bonds and more bonds

While I love living in a free country, sometimes some things don't make any sense. 

Opening statements in the Barry Bonds perjury trial should also have been closing statements.  Prosecutors said basically they were going to prove Bonds used steroids.  Bonds lawyers said that Bonds admits he used steroids.  Bonds lawyers said he thought they were other things and prosecutors said that was crazy,  They plan on calling an ex-girlfriend and an ex-business partner to the stand to prove he knew they were steroids.


They are seriously prosecuting Bonds because he said he didnt know they were steroids?  Seriously?  The guy who gave him steroids has admitted already that they were roids and has also made it clear that he takes full responsibility for this fact.  For 8 years, the Federal Prosecutors have spend unreal amounts of money to go after a guy because they THINK he knew?  Why is this that big of a deal?  Did Bonds call a special Congressional hearing to say he didn't use?  Did Bonds refuse to testify under full immunity?  Does Bonds specific knowledge of the contents change the case against everyone else (who already pled guilty)?

Whether you believe Bonds or not, the Government is spending tons of money to take Bonds to court because they think he might have lied.  They are calling ex-girlfirend and ex-business partners (who both clearly hate Bonds) as credible witnesses?  They also wanted to enter in tapes of Bonds yelling on the ex-girlfriends answering machine as proof of roid rage.  Even I know what a ridiculous thing that is!  He admitted to using roids already, that fact is now stipulated, thus making such a tape a pure unadulterated attempt at making the jury hate Bonds and purely prejudicial..

Bottom line is that the prosecutors are stretching at this with no credible witnesses to go after a guy for a very simple technicality.  If today Bonds came out and said "I did it, I knew it, and I am just playing around with the government because I can"... then I would want the book thrown at him.  Until then, he will pay the price others who used steroids did but any further prosecution is a complete joke.

(With this said, it is important to note I have always supported Bonds because I think the media has always come after him and he has always fought back.  The media is a ton more powerful than people think and it was good to see a guy fight back.  I have often said Bonds is paying a much higher price for his steroid use than any other user ever.  I dont care much about prior steroid use since cheating has been apart of baseball for years and while i dont condone it, I also dont single players out when they were just a very small part of a HUGE problem of systemically approved cheating in  baseball). (cheating can range from sliding hard to break up a double play, which is illegal since the player is already out.  pine tar, cork, proxiimity rule at 2nd base, doctoring ball, using uppers...... do I need to go on and on?)

If you noticed, my title mentioned "more bonds" not "more Bonds".  This is aimed to Arizona.  Folks, get yourselves in a room and work this out.  Stop continuing to jerk fans around.  A guy wants to rescue your NHL team (who knows why) so work together to help it happen. 

These issues coupled with the NFL nonsense has got me wondering when rich people and lawyers were ever going to stop using our courts for vendettas, personal recognition, and and greed.  All 3 cases should not be in our courts and there is a good chance we will all get to fund some part of all 3 of these.

That's the joke...... I hope you are laughing!

Monday, March 21, 2011

a TON of random thoughts

Why exactly do we have nuclear power plants in anywhere in the world?  I used to sell wire and cable to the industry and honestly, it can not be a cost effective way to produce power.  A run of cable took a binder's worth of specs and paperwork.  I can't imagine how thee make sense.  Maybe now, we might find alternatives??

Would the media please help the NFL negotiations by telling both sides they wont report on ANYTHING NFL or NFL players until they have a CBA again.  I mean seriously, do I even care right now?  I'd rather see a story on the 3rd string center for Mid Kentucky Hair Academy's 14-12 Division 4 cricket team.

Libya?  Really?  What's next?  No fly zone over Luxembourg?  I admit it, I just love the word "Luxembourg"

I will admit it, while I am not very political, I think a dinner party with the Obamas, W Bushs, and Clintons would be a ton of fun.  It will have to wait a few years until they all are free for such a get-together.  It is an interesting change from Bush Srs, Reagans, and Carters who were all good men but who would probably annoy me at a party.

Why do I get annoyed when the Red Sox lose 10-0 in a spring training game.  Only pre-season I even mildly follow.  I only wish my friend Jay and I could meet down there again.  I mean, are there any Bob Horner's still left?  Inside joke  :)

"Pray for Japan" is big these days.  While I am big on prayer and completely agree, could you throw a few more in there while you are at it.  Pray for Obama (and our country), pray for our troops, and pray for yourself too.  It doesn't hurt to get in a few more while you are at it.  While you are there, could you pray for me, I always could use it.

The poster for good parenting should have a man and his daughter watching a 7" screen DVD player with Barbie Fairies on it together.  I am not the best dad in the world, but if I was scure enough in my masculinity, I bet doing that would be really cool.  I can also imagine having to watch the outtakes 50 times might drive a grown man insane.

Harry Potter isnt that bad.  Not great but not bad either.

NCAA basketball tourney is just great television.  Yes, GREAT television.  If you can stand basketball at all, watch the first 4 rounds.  They are usually awesome.

Well, it's spring break and my kids and I are heading outside.  Have an awesome day.

MDA UPDATE!!!!!!!:
OK folks. I am halfway there!!! If you wish to avoid hearing me sing the song "Halfway there", please donate. I am about $250 short! Please help... even $5 or $10 will help out!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Time to give up sports

Lets face it.  Money is the root of many break ups.  From musical groups to marriages, money and some times absurd amounts of money can break up partnerships.  So maybe I shouldn't be shocked that a league that makes billions of dollars is quite possibly going to stop playing over who makes what absurd amount of money.

Don't get me wrong, it is the american way to get as much as possible for yourself, however when you are a league that depends on the money of hard working people who are currently not making billions of dollars, maybe you should put away the greedy hat and replace it with that hat of intelligence. 

I am proposing that we all boycott all major U.S sports for as long as the nfl misses games and 5 times as long for the nfl.  Maybe this will get all the crazy billionaires and millionaires together to figure out how to devide our hard earned money.

During this sports boycott, which should include college since the universities are making tons on kids, we should focus our time and money on amateur sports or smaller us sports.  Replace nhl with curling, nba with water polo, mlb with cricket, and nfl with rugby.  Still get your sports fix but tell our leagues they need to care about their real bosses, the fans!