As we all know, as of May 1, 2011 the world has one less terrorist in it's midst. This news brough a flurry of emotion around the world. In me, it also brought a flood of emotion. I wasn't sure how to feel or what to even say. Do I smile, cheer, cry, ...... I just wasn't sure. All I knew was that this day was more about the death and ressurection of my savior to me than the death of a terrorist leader. See, every day for me has to focus on the death and ressurection of my savior. If it doesn't, I fall victim to my own sin.
For me, I couldn't help but be sad to hear of the death of a human being. I know many people said he was pure evil or his actions made him more an inhumane being than a human being, but for me, he was still a child of my God, a person my God loved, and a person my savior died for. I can't help to think that yesterday, Jesus wept. I know it sounds flat out insane to say, but I think that is exactly how Jesus would have spent last night, if he was walking amounst us.
For me, I can't fathom the emotion that is going through the heads of all those more directly effected by 9/11 than I was. I was like every other American, saddened, angered, and even a bit scared that day, but there were many others who went though so much more. I don't pretend to be able to tell them how to feel or how to react. I can only speak for myself.
I do think it important to note that I completely support what our country did here. While I do not celebrate the outcome, I DO support the decision. I am very glad none of our military was injured in this particular phase of the operation. I am very thankful for the brave heroes who fight for our country every day. His death is justice.
With that said, I go to the Bible:
New International Version (©1984)
Ezekiel 18:23
Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign LORD. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live?
So for me, I wont be celebrating. I wont be cheering. I wont be happy. For me, I just weep inside. The people lost in the twin towers are not coming back now. The heroes of flight 93 wont be walking back into the lives of their loved ones. Those who died at the Pentagon will not be returning either. Parents don't get to unbury their kids. Kids don't get that reassuring hug from the parent they lost. For me, all that happened yesterday was that a man died who could have been one of the greatest witnesses for Him like Paul was. For that reason, I just can't celebrate. Sorry.
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Very well said!