Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sports Thoughts

The Boston Red Sox destroyed my love of baseball (for the time being).  They continue to stomp on my love of the team and the game.  Here are a few messages to people involved:

Terry Francona:  I respected you when you came, when you were here, and now that you are gone.  Do not think for 1 minute that any Red Sox fan blames you for what has happened.  Yes, it was your job to fix it, but you didnt cause the problem.  You were a top manager and a class act.  Marital problems or pain meds are not my concern.  Red Sox fans wish you luck in the future, you will always be a Red Sox Hall of Fame Manager!

Theo Epstein:  Good luck in Chicago.  May you lose 5 straight World Series to the Red Sox!  You did an amazing job rebuilding the team.  I wish you luck.

Ben Cherington:  Good luck.  You are inheriting a team with a ton of problems.  I expect it to take years to fix it!

David Ortiz:  You want to go play for the Yankees as you said in an interview?  Goodbye!  The Red Sox believed in you when you had done nothing, the fans supported yo when you couldnt catch up to a Tim Wakefield fastball, and now you are trying to use the Yankees to get more money?  You could have been a leader in that clubhouse.  You could have grabbed Crawford, Pedroia, and Paplebon and run that team.  Instaed of trying to start fixing the problems, you are courting the Yankees?  COMPLETE SELFISHNESS in a tough situation is so against everything Sox fans had thought you were.  Thanks for all your incredible moments, I hope you get paid a ton of  money on a losing team.  I wish you had remained the person we all admired and not an RBI and $$ focused athlete.   There is time for you to cement your image and retract what you said, take a leadership role, and bring the Red Sox back to glory!  Your choice!

Carl Crawford:  Red Sox fans owe you an apology.  By all accounts you work your tail off.  By all accounts you wanted to be a leader.  By all accounts you were stunned by the lack of professionalism.  With all that, the only thing you have said is that you blame yourself and you will work harder to turn it around.  You are a real man and I, for one, would rather have 25 players like you than most of the guys you shared a clubhouse with this year.  My hope is that with a new manager, you and Pedroia can get together with a few others and lead that clubhouse.

Larry Luccino:  Here are my choices for manager.  Martinez (TB), Pena (NY), Baylor, Sandberg, or Hale.  I know most are being talked about except Baylor.  What I like about Baylor was his ability as a player to run the clubhouse kangeroo court.  He also went to 3 straight World Series with 3 different teams.  He was a leader who might be able to empower some of the Red Sox to do as he did and unite this clubhouse.

John Lester and Clay Buchholtz:  Go apologize to the strength and conditioning coach.  Apologize to your teammates.  Apologize to your owners.  Then go out and do what made you both so darn good.  WORK HARD!!!  You both can make us all forget the junk by getting back to where you were!

Josh Beckett:  I dont know what to think about you.  I think you have it in you to turn around and be a leader for the BETTER.  I just don't know if you care about that now that you got paid.  I hope I am wrong about this, I just don't see that fire to dominate that the greats all have.  You have the stuff.  Is the desire there?

Dustin Pedroia:  With Tito gone, you have the numbers and work ethic to take a leadership role.  Embrace it!  Tito may have loved you, but you earned it too!

OK, I am done ranting.  I still love the Red Sox.  I just want to respect this team again!

Here's my message to the NBA:  LOLOLOL     Enjoy the time off!

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